Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Pre-Khilafah and The Battle of Mu'tah

Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, radhiyallaahu ‘anhu
~ The Mountain of Truthfulness~

“By Allah, never on any day or night did I covet to be the leader. Nor did I desire it. Nor did I ever ask Allah for it, neither privately nor publicly. Rather, it was the fear I had of the Fitnah. There is no rest for me in leadership. It is a task that I was branded with which I have no power or ability except in the strength of Allah azza wa jall. How I wish that the most capable person in this affair were in my position today”
-Abu Bakr radi Allahu ‘anhu

Pre-Khilafah Period

1. Before his passing, Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, had given hints to the people that Abu Bakr should be the khalifah. The hints are:

o Abu Bakr was asked to lead the solah when the Prophet SAW was not able to do so.

o The Prophet SAW asked people to go and see Abu Bakr when having problems.

o Hajj delegation b4 hajj widaa' was lead by Abu Bakr

2. Abu Bakr and leadership

o The Prophet put the future leader in the eye of the public at the most challenging time.

o Even though he had a gentle personality, when Abu Bakr spoke, everyone sits down and listen.

3. The death of Rasulullah SAW and the reality

o Rasulullah SAW passed away in ‘Aaisha’s lap. His final words were “O Allah in the highest company”

o Umar (ra) could not believe the news of the Prophet’s passing. He threatened to kill the people who said that the Prophet was dead. He said, “Some of the hypocrites claim that the Messenger of Allah SAW died. The Messenger of Allah SAW did not die, but went to his Lord in the same way as Moses bin ‘Imran did. He stayed away for forty nights, but finally came back though they said he had been dead. By Allah, the Messenger of Allah SAW will come back and he will cut off the hands and legs of those who claim his death.”

o Abu Bakr came and told Umar to sit down. Abu Bakr said:

- “And now, he who worships Muhammad SAW. Muhammad is dead now. But he who worships Allah, He is Ever Living and He never dies.”

- Allah says: “Muhammad (SAW) is no more than a Messenger and indeed (many) Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful.” [Al-Qur'an 3:144]

The Bay’ah (pledge of Allegiance)
4. In any organization, leadership is the most important aspect. A lengthy discussion took place to decide who should be the next leader.

o The meeting took place in Saqifat bani Sa’idah, in a roofed passage.

o Abu Bakr and Umar went to discuss with the Ansar to choose the next leader. They consulted the Ansar even though Abu Bakr knew about the hadeeth that the next leader should be from the Quraish

o The Ansar was looking for a leader locally, while Abu Bakr was looking at the bigger picture.

o The Arabs will not except leadership except from Quraish based on the hadeeth, "The khulafaa' are to be from the Quraish"

o Finally, everyone acknowledged Abu Bakr as the next Khalifah.

Abu Bakr’s Inauguration Speech
5. Inauguration speech: Abu Bakr’s inauguration took place on 12 Rabi’ul Awwal, in the year 11 Hijrah. The content of his speech were:
o Relationship between the leader and the people works both ways.

o He came to be the khalifah because of the decision of the muslimeen.

o If he does well, the people should support him, but if he does wrong, the people should correct him.

o His goal was to continue justice, jihad, and morality.

o At the beginning of his speech, he said that he was not the best amongst them.

The Army of Usamah ibn Zayd
6. Army of Usamah ibn Zayd:
o Before the death of the Prophet, Usamah was nominated to lead the Muslim Army against the Levant (Battle of Mu'tah)

o He was 17 at that time.

o However, when the Prophet fell seriously ill and later of passed away, Usamah's expedition was held up.

o Abu Bakr then decided to continue Usamah's expedition to Mu'tah, but some of the companions did not agree with his idea. They thought it might not be a suitable time to send out troop while the Prophet just passed away.

o Abu Bakr said, "How can I fold up the flag which the Prophet (Peace and blessing be upon him) himself unfurled?"

o Then they said Usamah was too young and again Abu Bakr replied, "How can I dismiss a man whom the Messenger of Allah appointed?"

o Abu Bakr asked the permission (note: the Khalifah asking permission from a leader of an army) from Usamah to let 'Umar stay in Madinah with him and Usamah agreed.

o Before bidding farewell to the Muslim Army, Abu Bakr gave them useful advice which serves as code of conduct in war:
i. Never be dishonest or treacherous
ii. Don't steal from the booty you lay your hands on
iii. Do not mutilate the dead bodies of the enemy
iv. Do not kill aged, children and women
v. Do not burn down date-palms
vi. Do not cut down fruit trees
vii. Do not slaughter goats, or cows, or camel except for nutritional purposes
viii. Leave alone the people who have taken asceticism and sit in monasteries

o Usamah's expedition proved very successful and was back in Madinah after forty days

o This expedition was an eye-opener to those who thought that Islam was dying out after the death of the Prophet.

7. Problems that occurred after the passing of the Prophet SAW:
o Huroob Ar-Riddah - Wars of Apostasy
a. Riddah Conflict: Banu Tameem led by Maalik Ibn Nuwayrah
b. Riddah Conflict: Nothern Arabia led by Tulayha Al-Asdee
c. Riddah Conflict: Musaylimah in Al-Yamamah
d. Riddah Conflict: Yemen and Bahrain

o Muslim who refused to pay zakat (Muslim – Zakat = Kaafir).
- For Abu Bakr, the number one priority was to eliminate the problem where some Muslims refused to pay zakat.
- This was against other people’s opinion.
- "I will go to war against anyone who separates zakah and solah" (Abu Bakr said to 'Umar)

Insha'Allah no. 7 will be discussed in detail in part V.

OK. After every 4 entries of the notes, there will be a quiz! Notice that this is the fourth note-sharing article? So yes, there will be a quiz coming soon. These quizzes will be a form of a competition between all MISG members. Everyone is welcomed to participate and your scores will be recorded. At then end of the year, we will announce the winner at our Annual Muktamar Convention. Winner from the brothers' side will be announced during the Performance Night and from the sisters' side will be announced during the sisters' performance on Yaumun Nisa'.



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