Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Conquest ~ Let the Quiz Begin!!

Bismillaah ..

As salaamu 'alaykum Brothers & Sisters ..may this email find all of you in the best of health and sweetness of emaan, in shaa' Allaah.

Al hamdu lillaah, we're done for the 1st term of the History of the Khulafaa! Deep in our heart, we hope that all of you have benefitted immensely from this small effort. May Allaah, subhaanahu wa ta?aala, increase our understanding of this Deen and engrave the utter love of Rasool Allaah, sal Allaahu ?alayhi wa sallaam, and his beloved companions, radhiyallaahu 'anhum, in our hearts, aameen!

Guess what? The most awaited moment has come! In shaa' Allaah today we're going to present to you a *short* quiz which contains 4 questions regarding the 1st term materials. Short in terms of the questions, but longggg in terms of answers. Just kidding! We promise, it won?t be hard in shaa? Allaah. As long as you've understood the materials well and have reflected upon them, in shaa? Allaah you're ready to go!

Don't forget your *bismillaah* & du'aa before taking the quiz. Make a pure intention that you want to benefit the most out of these questions, and bi idznillaah, you'll ultimately benefit!

--let the quiz begin ?

a) In your opinion, what is one the most outstanding characters that Abu Bakr was known of? After learning this magnificient conduct, how would you follow his footsteps in applying it?

b) In reflecting on the life of 'Abdullaah Ibn Zubayr, what are the factors that shape & build his strong personality? Elaborate from different aspects such as the environment he was in (ie excellent parents), his knowledge, his worship,etc.

c) Extract 1 da'wah technique/ "gem" from the incident at Saqeefat Bani Saa'idah in which Abu Bakr was chosen to be the Khalifah (this is one of the questions that came out during our exam for this class!)

d) What are the benefits that you can dig out after this 1st term of learning the History of the Khulafaa??

Please take time to think and reflect in answering this quiz. Preserve your sincere intention and seriousness in learning about this Deen. May our sincerity and endless effort in seeking knowledge cause us to enjoy His Pleasure in this life & the Hereafter, and untimately lead us into Jannatul Firdaws, aameen!

Please submit your answers to before 11. 59pm of April 17th, 2005. Include your full name, university /location (if applicable) and your valid email address.

Jazaakum Allaahu khayr ..bittaufeeq fii imtihaan!

--"LPC Quizzing Team"

By the way, for the record, we have received only 0 participations, hrmm... what does that tell us? No one is up for the challenge? Maybe we should make the quiz easier huh? I guess it's just tooooooo hard...


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