~ The Mountain of Truthfulness~
Riddah Conflict 2: vs. Musaylimah Al-Kadhaab (The Liar)
- Musaylimah was from Bani Haneefah the tribe of Central Arabia
- Visited Madeenah during the lifetime of the Prophet (Peace be upon him)
- On the return from Madeenah, he claimed to be the Prophet of Allah and formed and new creed
Musaylimah’s new creed includes:
1. His followers were exempted from Siyaam (fasting) and paying Zakah
2. The number of daily prayers was reduced
3. Adultery and drinking were made lawful to his people
4. He forbade his followers to cohabit with their wives once they became mothers.
5. A scripture (he had himself composed) was recited as an imitation to the Divine Qur’an and claimed to be revealed from Allah
How he won the hearts of his people?
- He had an attractive personality
- Endowed with superb physique
- An eloquent speaker and could sway the masses
- He exploited these qualities of his and succeeded in winning over a considerable following
His interaction with the Prophet (Peace be upon him)
- When his illness was becoming serious, the Prophet asked him to abandon his pretensions.
- However, Musaylimah sent an impudent letter to the Prophet:
“From Musaylimah, the Prophet of Allah, to Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah. Surely Allah has made me your partner in Prophet Hood. Let us divide the earth between ourselves.”
- The Prophet (Peace be upon him) then replied:
“In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. From Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah, to Musaylimah the Liar! To proceed. Verily the land belongs to Allah and he inherits it to whom He wishes. And the outcome will always be for the believers.”
Women claimed Prophet Hood: Zujaha
- She was an Arab lady who belonged to the tribe of Bani Tameem
- Claimed prophet hood after soon after Tulayhah and Musaylimah did.
- Succeeded in mustering a good following from among the Bani Taghlib, the clan of her mother.
- Attempted to gather followers from her father’s clan as well, so she contacted Malik Ibn Nuayrah, the chief of Bani Yarboo’.
- Malik acknowledge Zujaha’s prophetess and incited her to crush Bani Yarboo’ (who were actually opposed to him)
- The combined forces of Malik and Zujaha received some initial success.
- Then, Zujaha decided to proceed to Yamamah, the stronghold of the false prophet, Musaylimah Al Kadhaab
- Under the spell of the magnetic personality of Musaylimah, Zujaha agreed to marry Musaylimah and they joined forces to destroy the Muslims.
Ar – Rijaal (the man, another follower of Musaylimah)
- Came to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and converted to Islam
- He learned the Qur’an as well
- He went back to his old tribe (Bani Haneefah) to refute the claims of Musaylimah
- He fell victim to the blandishments (pujuk rayu) of Musaylimah and falsely declared that he was witness to the fact that the Prophet had acknowledged Musaylimah as co-sharer in the divine mission.
- The Fitnah was larger since he learned Islam directly from the Prophet and that increased the credentials of Musaylimah
- The number of Musaylimah’s followers thus increased.
The Beginning of the enormous battle
- Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) entrusted Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl to crush Musaylimah.
- Sharhabeel ibn Hasanah was to advance with another column to the assistance of Ikrimah.
- Though strict orders were given to Ikrimah by Abu Bakr not to engage in a battle, he was so anxious to get the better of him that he immediately started fighting Musaylimah
- The Muslims were beaten back with considerable loss.
- Some time later, Sharhabeel arrived in Yamamah valley with his column
- Again, his army was also defeated by Musaylimah.
- Two successive defeats created an embarrassing situation for the Muslims.
- This raised the morale of Musaylimah’s followers and they proudly declared that indeed Musaylimah was a prophet and divine help was on their side
- Abu Bakr commissioned Khalid Al Waleed (May Allah be pleased with him) to set off on a campaign against Musaylimah.
- Elaborate arrangements were made to reinforce the army of Khalid
- Seasoned soldiers were included in the force under his command:
1. Al Baraa’ ibn Malik and Thabit ibn Qays led the contingents of the Ansaar
2. Abu Hudhayfah and Zayd led the contingents of the Muhajireen
- Abu Bakr permitted the veterans of Badr to join forces of Khalid.
- Among others, those who joined the force were Abdur Rahman ibn Abi Bakr, Abdullah ibn Umar and Abu Dujaanah the re-owned warrior of Uhud (May Allah be pleased with them all)
The Battle of Yamamah soon begins…